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Home > Workshop and Training > IN JAPAN > Fiscal Year 2010 > FY 2010 JICA Training Course Closes on “Solid Waste Management in Peruvian Municipalities



  FY 2010 JICA Training Course Closes on “Solid Waste Management in Peruvian Municipalities”

 A fiscal year 2010 JICA-commissioned training course on “Solid Waste Management in Peruvian Municipalities” was held for 38 days from February 3 to March 11. It ended with a closing ceremony on the final day.

peru0311-3Participants holding their Certificate 

The course was intended for 15 officials from Peruvian central and local governments to enhance their ability to facilitate smooth waste management by municipalities when a yen-loan-financed project, which has been planned in Peru, is put into practice.

Through lectures and field trips to environment-related sites, the participants learned about the Japanese environmental administration, the waste management system, various waste treatment technologies, methods for promoting and implementing the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, roles of governments, local residents and private businesses, and methods to promote a recycling-oriented society and environmental awareness.

At the end of the training, they made proposals for action plans to be pursued back in their country, with firm determination to make the best use of the knowhow and technologies they had learned during their stay in Japan. We very much look forward to seeing them reach solutions together to the environmental issues of their country.

On a weekend home visit program, the participants had opportunities to come in touch with Japanese life and culture, but also to sort out rubbish in clean-up activities along the river. They all looked happy to have these valuable experiences.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the lecturers and other parties involved for the cordial support and cooperation. (Fukushima)


peru0311-1 Participants showing their impressions of a clean-up activity

peru-0311-2 Participants sorting out rubbish with local residents