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Home > Workshop and Training > IN JAPAN > Fiscal Year 2010 > First of FY 2010 JICA-Commissioned Training Courses Starts with 16 Officials from 10 Central and South American Countries

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Update:May 26, 2010

First of FY 2010 JICA-Commissioned Training Courses Starts with 16 Officials from 10 Central and South American Countries

A fiscal year 2010 training course on “Total Waste Management to Promote a Recycling-Oriented Society in Central and South American countries”, which was commissioned by JICA, was launched on May 21 (Fri.). The participants came from ten countries: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Paraguay.
This course is focused not only on the efficient waste disposal technologies in Japan but also on the shaping of a recycling-oriented society by promoting the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and education on the environment. The participants will learn about environmental administration by the national government and local governments, waste disposal policies, and the Recycling Law, and visit environment-conscious complexes such as an eco-town and a zero-emission industrial park. Through these experiences, they are expected to understand the roles of the administration, private businesses and local communities and acquire expertise in waste management to promote a recycling-oriented society and environmental awareness. At the end of the nearly 40-day course, they are scheduled to make proposals to be pursued back in their countries, regarding improvement measures and the introduction of systems which are suitable for the situation in the Central and South American countries, for the purpose of the development and use of new kinds of energy through waste disposal and the contribution to the control of global warming. (Tamura)

Opening ceremony

Speech by Mr. Eduardo Jose Dominican Republic on behalf of participants

Group photo after opening ceremony