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Home > Workshop and Training > IN JAPAN > Fiscal Year 2012 > FY2012 JICA Training Course Closes on “Capacity Development for Local Government in Comprehensive Solid Waste Management in the Republic of Peru”

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Update:November 21, 2013

FY2012 JICA Training Course Closes on “Capacity Development for Local Government in Comprehensive Solid Waste Management in the Republic of Peru”

From January 11 to February 15, ICETT held a fiscal 2012 JICA training course on “Capacity Development for Local Government in Comprehensive Solid Waste Management in the Republic of Peru”. On the final day, a closing ceremony took place at JICA Chubu.

The Peruvian government drew up a program for 31 local cities to set up a comprehensive system to collect and dispose of waste. As part of the program, JICA used yen loans of the official development assistance (ODA) to support 23 out of the 31 cities, while the other eight cities were financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The course was taken by 15 local government officials, responsible for the projects and waste management, from some of the 23 Peruvian cities. It intended to help establish and improve waste collection and disposal systems, enhance the comprehensive abilities to manage and dispose of waste, and thereby contribute to the mitigation of climate change issues while improving the natural environment and the living conditions of local residents in these cities.
      insepshion        icettkaikousiki

          Inception Report Presentation                     ICETT Opening Ceremony                         

The participants visited semiaerobic waste disposal facilities, under construction and in operation, and attended lectures to learn about the Japanese waste disposal system, methods to dispose of waste, and the process from waste source to intermediate treatment and final disposal.

Since about 70 to 80 % of waste in Peru is organic, they paid a great deal of attention to the composting of garbage and had an opportunity to compost waste at a site they visited. There is a necessity in the country to raise awareness of garbage disposal among the local residents. In Japan, the participants saw families with children bring their garbage to collection stations and said that they would like to develop systems to involve residents in collecting waste in their country, too.

As for garbage collection and transportation, in a time and motion study, the participants followed a collection vehicle to record collecting time, travel distances, and the number of garbage bags. Then, they analyzed the gathered data to work out efficient collection routes and collecting methods. They commented on their intention to conduct surveys and improve the efficiency of collection and transportation in their country.

       kougi      tmstudy

                    At a lecture                                 T&M study

          aphapyou        kousha

                   Action Plan Presentation              Tokyo Environmental Public Service Corporation  

The participants took part in an international exchange event at an elementary school and enjoyed watching kindergarten and school children perform and eating school lunch together. They were quite impressed with the hospitality and good manners of the children.

During a presentation session of their action plans which are to be pursued on their return to their country, at JICA Chubu in Nagoya, many of the participants pointed out the importance of sorting and recycling waste at the source, raising awareness among the residents, as well as introducing advanced technology to dispose of waste. They are highly expected to play an active role in disseminating what they learned in the course across Peru in the future.

   heikou          asakusa
                                    Closing Ceremony                           Free time (in Asakusa)

We would like to express our gratitude to those who cooperated in the course at many sites. (Fukushima, Kise)