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Home > Workshop and Training > OVERSEAS > Fiscal Year 2011 > FY2011 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program in Developing Countries: Second Session in India

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Update:October 14, 2011

FY2011 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program in Developing Countries: Second Session in India

From September 2 to 10, ICETT, in cooperation with its Indian counterpart, held the second session of a “Fiscal Year 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program in Developing Countries (India)” in Bhavnagar in the state of Gujarat and Raipur in the state of Chhattisgarh to provide local rolling mill industrial clusters with technical guidance.

rectureIn Bhavnagar, ICETT held a group meeting attended by executives and engineers of some 20 local rolling mills, and representatives of a steel re-rolling mills association and an industrial park. Among these mills were some that had carried out improvements to their heating furnaces after receiving technical guidance from ICETT under the previous program. There were lectures by Japanese experts, who explained the differences in production systems and efficiency between Japanese and Indian factories. There were also lively exchanges of views and opinions about activities and methods to further improve energy saving in the rolling mills and to train more knowledgeable engineers.

guidanceIn Raipur, investigative simulations were carried out at two rolling mills. Engineers of those mills, who had attended a workshop held last June, asked for help in solving problems regarding their heating furnaces and rolled products. So, there was lively discussion between the Japanese experts and the local engineers.

The Japan-India Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), which came into effect in August this year, encourages economic relationships between the two countries to develop and strengthen in the future. In this program, ICETT continues its efforts to provide technical assistance in energy saving, leading to environment-friendly economic growth resulting in merits for both countries.
(Kise & Tabata)