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Home > Outline of Japan's Industrial Pollution Abatement > Preventative Measures Against Water Pollution Jinzu River, Toyama Prefecture > 1) Medical care relief

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Update:April 1, 2010

1) Medical care relief


In 1967, Toyama Prefecture deviced a medical care system that paid the medical expenses normally incurred by person treatment. After the 1968 official nnouncement on the disease that Ministry of Health and Welfare released, the State recognized the itai-itai disease as a pollution-related illness and started providing aid to the prefectural medical care system, In 1969, the government enacted the Special Measures Law concerning the Financing for Payment of Damages to Victims of Pollution-related Disease. Relief thereafter was based on this low.
Futhermore, medical care relief was offered in accordance with the agreement concluded between Mitsui Mining and Smelting and the victims, Medical treatment was paid for by the aggressor, prefecture and State in line with the victims' request .
Health compensation was awarded based on the Special Measures Low of 1969 and the Pollution Health Damage Compensation Low of 1974. Victims and potential victims (requiring observation) were officially certified by board of examiners.
To date, 178 persons have been certified as victims and 388 as potential victims.