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Home > Outline of Japan's Industrial Pollution Abatement > Preventative Measures Against Water Pollution Jinzu River, Toyama Prefecture > 2) Economic and recovery costs

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Update:April 1, 2010

2) Economic and recovery costs


  • (1)Economic damage
    In the Jinzu River basin, the damage to health and agriculture can be measured in teams of money. Based on 1992 figures, the average yearly outlay for health compensation was 743 million yen. This covers the average yearly reparations paid as of 1973 in accordance with the agreement concluded between Mitsui Mining and Smelting and victims, and reparation awarded as a result of the court ruling handed down in 1972. Agricultural damage, including reparations for lost production and primary and secondary restoration work in farming areas, was compensated with 1.75 billion yen per year, according to 1992 figures. Together, damage was about 2.518 billion yen.
  • (2)Recovery cost
    According to 1992 figures, an average of 620 million yen has been paid every year since 1973 for preventing pollution from mining (Fig.5-1).

This figure is well under the 2.518 billion yen in economic damage incurred, indicating the logic of taking quick action especially if considering the prevention of unexpected accidents from a purely economic perspective.